Genuine Parts And Service

Horizont Machinery Inc provides industry-leading machinery service, maintenance, and repair.


Original Spare Parts

If the equipment you purchased breaks down and cannot be repaired while you are on schedule, it will waste your time and money. Waiting for parts to be shipped to you by air from us is usually not the best option.

We suggest that when you purchase machinery and equipment in bulk, you should also purchase some consumable parts, to meet the replacement needs of your end customers.

Our aim is the highest quality and long service life

Horizont Machinery Inc guarantees that we provide genuine engineering-approved spare parts for all machinery manufactured or sold.

There is nothing like Horizont Machinery Inc's original spare parts, which perfectly match the needs of the machine, are longer lasting, superior quality, and easy to install.

Find the parts you need

Through our website, you can easily find suitable spare parts and wearing parts for your machine. If you can't find it, please contact your sales representative.

Immediate delivery

Our sales representatives will provide you with information and advice on equipment, use methods, and worn parts during your purchase process to ensure that your order is equipped with sufficient original parts and that the entire order is processed smoothly and quickly.

Because the parts of mechanical equipment are relatively heavy if by air, there will be expensive freight; It is recommended to ship together with your shipping order to help you save money.

Contact us

If you have any questions, please contact us:

Horizont Machinery Inc

Phone: +86 16762215115


Office Address: Room E512, #655, Xueshi Road, Yinzhou, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China

Factory Address: MeiYuan Village, YinJiang Town, HaiShu District, Ningbo, Zhejiang, China

Contact Us

Anything you couldn't find?
Talk with one of our sales representatives.