How To Deal With The Problem Of Steering Wheel Of Ride-on Tandem Rollers

In road construction, we will use ride-on tandem rollers for a long time, so it is easy to encounter some problems with the steering wheel of the compactor rollers. How to solve this problem?


There are mainly four methods to solve the steering wheel problem of the vibrating roller compactor.

1. Check whether the steering wheel can automatically return to the center, check whether the spring leaf is worn or broken, replace it in time, and return the steering wheel after replacement.

2. If the steering wheel cannot be turned, or it is extremely difficult to turn, please check whether the pin is broken, deformed, and worn, and whether the drive shaft is broken. If the above situation is found, the dial pin and the transmission shaft should be replaced, and the transmission oil should be injected.


3. When operating a drum roller, if the steering wheel is found to be rotating on its own, swinging left and right, or swaying greatly, check whether the relative positions of the rotor and the transmission coupling are reasonable or the screws are loose. The teeth of the drive transmission shaft and the root of the positive rotor should correspond to each other.

4. When you are driving a vibrating drum roller and you find that the angle of deviation of the steel drum roller is too large after turning the steering wheel, or the roller will automatically deviate from the route when it is moving usually, you should stop the road roller and check it in time. If it is found that the steering cylinder does not move or moves very slowly, then check whether the two-way buffer valve and the spring have sundries stuck inside. If the two-way buffer valve fails, please replace it immediately. If the spring is faulty, replace the spring and clean up the sundries in it. Be sure to inject engine oil during the replacement process.


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